Wellington Independent Herald - Ex-Onslow Rowers temporarily back from US during Covid
Wellington Independent Herald - USA University Scholarships for 3 Onslow rowers
College Sport Media - Junior Trialists Selection - Olivia Clark
Full article: https://www.collegesportmedia.co.nz/rowing/rowing-nz-announce-junior-trailists
College Sport Media - GU18 2x NISSC Gold
Full article: https://www.collegesportmedia.co.nz/rowing/onslow-college-pair-rowing-for-maadi-medals
Wellington Independent Herald - GU18 2x NISSC Gold
Wellington Independent Herald - Rowing Success for Onslow College
Wellington Independent Herald - top 5 sporting moments 2016
Wellington Independent Herald Maadi article
NZ Parliament Congratulates GU16 Double for Bronze medal win at 2016 Maadi Cup
Extract from the House of Representatives Order Paper for Thursday, 14 April 2016:
Notices of motion
Hon Peter Dunne to move, That the House congratulate Constance Stirling and Olivia Clark of Onslow College who won the Bronze medal in the GU16 Double at the 2016 Maadi Cup Rowing Regatta, and note that it is the first Onslow College girls medal in more than 40 years. Lodged 13 April2016
Notices of motion
Hon Peter Dunne to move, That the House congratulate Constance Stirling and Olivia Clark of Onslow College who won the Bronze medal in the GU16 Double at the 2016 Maadi Cup Rowing Regatta, and note that it is the first Onslow College girls medal in more than 40 years. Lodged 13 April2016
Click this link to view the full version of the Order Paper.
NZ Parliament Congratulates ex Onslow College Rowers for 2016 Rio Olympic Selection
Extract from the House of Representatives Order Paper for Thursday, 17 March 2016:
Notices of motion
Hon Peter Dunne to move, That the House congratulate Joe Wright and Jamie Hunter, former students at Onslow College who rowed for the school from 2007 to 2010, for being selected to represent New Zealand at the 2016 Rio Olympics. They join a select group of elite athletes from Onslow College who have represented their country at the highest level. Lodged 15 March 2016
Notices of motion
Hon Peter Dunne to move, That the House congratulate Joe Wright and Jamie Hunter, former students at Onslow College who rowed for the school from 2007 to 2010, for being selected to represent New Zealand at the 2016 Rio Olympics. They join a select group of elite athletes from Onslow College who have represented their country at the highest level. Lodged 15 March 2016
Click this link to view the full version of the Order Paper.